Timber Frame Designs And Floor Plans
We’ve refined and rebuilt many of these homes over and over, improving them through each evolution, combining elements from previous versions that work, removing those that do not.
Structural and mechanical engineering has been tested and honed which gives us the familiarity needed to keep the plans flexible. Rooms can expand, contract, and sometimes vanish altogether. Porches and basements can be added or removed. Garages too.
You’ll also find our best new designs here, the components of which have been used with previous clients to create functional, livable, comfortable homes.
By using our hybrid timber frame building system, we combine the strength and efficiency of structural insulated panels (SIPs) for your walls and roof with exposed, load bearing timbers. These resulting homes are architecturally distinct, energy efficient, and sustainable. They embody our standard — Artful, Rugged, Green.
Take a look, and when you’re ready, give us a call. If you’ve got some minor changes — great — you can sketch them out or fill us in when we talk.
If you are ready to begin building with Timberbuilt or if you have specific questions that are missing from our website we’d encourage you to CONTACT SAM. She offers the most valuable source of information on our entire process. She’s also eternally busy working with our clients but she’ll respond to everyone.