Field Team Fun In South Dakota

Our tireless field team is finally back home for a quick break. This has been a long time out, especially for two of our top operators, Elliott and Will.

They drove from Buffalo to Yankee Lake, NY.
Built a house.
Drove to Newark, flew to Denver, drove 275 miles to Pagosa Springs.
Built a house.
Drove from Pagosa Springs 620 miles to Custer, South Dakota.
Built a house.
Drove 350 miles back to Denver and flew home (after a long day of flight cancellations).

It’s been a six week trip for these two and we couldn’t appreciate their hard work enough.

Despite all kinds of frustrations that come with travel (speeding tickets, lost wallet, broken phone, missing reservations, flight delays) our entire crew stayed positive and took care of business. We were happy to see that they managed some fun exploring on their day off in Custer.