We will forever be humbled by our contribution to our city’s waterfront. This historically accurate “longshed” was constructed with funds raised by The Buffalo Maritime Center to be a part of The Erie Canal’s bicentennial celebration in 2025.
A combined team of boat builders and volunteers are using the 4000 sq. ft. space to build a full-sized, working replica of the type of boat that opened the canal 200 years ago.

Check out other commercial timber frames that we’ve built.
Our team continues work at the construction of the long shed building on the Buffalo River.

The Buffalo Maritime Center recently secured funding for a film documenting the project from start to finish. The filmmakers from Paget Films were at the site yesterday where they spoke with Timberbuilt owner, George.

This morning they visited our shop in North Collins, NY to shoot some footage of our timber framers working on the project. We’re all very excited to see this project progress and we’re super psyched to be a part of it!

JULY 16th 2019
This fall we’ll be framing a 4000 sq ft longshed pavilion on the Buffalo waterfront similar to the kind of wooden structures that existed there 200 years ago. This will be our first high-profile contribution to the city we call home.
Once completed, the public-use building will first be used by a combination of state and city agencies (and community volunteers) to build a replica of the 1825 packet boat that transported NY Gov. Dewitt Clinton from Buffalo to NYC to officially open the Erie Canal.
This is all part of celebrating the bicentennial of the Canal in 2025.
We had a hand in designing this project with our friends at HHL Architects and we’re psyched to be a part of Buffalo’s thriving waterfront.
Includes info & pics, sent just 4x a year.