Our Team: Brian Kempisty | Partner

Timberbuilt partner, Brian Kempisty, sitting at his workstation.

“At the time, I was a partner in a national transportation brokerage company, but I knew that I wanted to partner with George.”

“My wife and I lived in a nice little timber frame house in Ellicottville, New York and we loved it. But they started developing nearby so we began looking for land to build on. Eventually we found a piece of hillside acreage with a view and knew it was the perfect spot.”

Brian began his search for a timber framer by reaching out to varied sources in locations across the United States. At the end of the day, Timberbuilt was his builder of choice for one main reason.

“George came out and walked almost the entire 100 acres, determining not just the house we wanted to build, but the best way to execute the project. He talked about the setting and the view — where the sun rose and set — as well as the design of the house, making sure it would all come together. Then he drew a design on a yellow piece of paper and said, ‘Just trust me, it’s going to be great.’ And we did. We had great confidence in George as a person and as a designer that we were going to get quality design and construction work in our home.”

Two and a half years after that walk, the Kempistys moved in to their dream home. Throughout the process Brian and George built a 7,000 sq. ft. house and forged a friendship founded on a shared passion for the timber home lifestyle. It was that professional and personal alliance that added a Timberbuilt title to Brian’s resume.

“At the time I was a partner in a national transportation brokerage company, but I knew that I wanted to partner with George. After the sale of the company was complete, I started working more closely with George in making Timberbuilt a nationally-recognized timber home powerhouse.”

Seven years later Brian describes his prime contributions to the company as helping define the Timberbuilt, “look” and taking that vision national. Noting his design concept as a signature series of plans that he imagined while building his own home, Brian defines his vision as, “… right-sized timber frame homes at a reasonable price — allowing people to live in their timber frame dream home and enjoy the timber frame lifestyle.

“No one does timber home building the way Timberbuilt does it, with panels and timbers packaged in our hybrid design. And we don’t just drop that package off on the building site and say, ‘So long’, like many other companies.

We execute the timber and panel package with our own crew. A Timberbuilt truck shows up, with Timberbuilt guys, wearing Timberbuilt shirts. Our team shows up onsite. We build the frame and install the panels. We’re with you from design through installation.”