Ten years ago the Buffalo Bills were still struggling to make the playoffs when we put up this Baker in Pagosa Springs.
Since then the Bills’ offense has rallied around Josh Allen, the playoffs are a given not a pipe dream, and a nice patina has developed on this beautiful cedar siding. In Colorado’s arid atmosphere that cedar will last for (approximately) forever!
The standing seam metal roof is another winning choice, a reliable weather guard for many decades to come. Speaking of roofs, we love the shed roof over the entrance. A simple way to keep snow off the front porch.

The Baker is one of our only timber frame designs that has the master bedroom on the second floor. The upstairs also has a small living room, and an open view to the great room below.
Construction photos

We love it when clients pick up a hammer and get involved in the build. Pound a few pegs, swap stories on the porch, watch the sun go down behind the mountains.

Baker Series rendering & floor plans

Includes info & pics, sent just 4x a year.